>> Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Holy jumping green bean, Batman! Check it out:

Another journey between daybreak and twilight.
Holy jumping green bean, Batman! Check it out:
We're nowhere near capable of being self-sufficient in comparison to friends of ours, but at the very least we may not have to frequent the produce aisle as much this summer. Last year the whole garden thing was an experiment, since I'd never grown food before (except the raspberries that came with our last house). We had tomatoes and green bell peppers, basil, rosemary and marjoram that did lovely things. Cukes and strawberries bombed.
So this afternoon we hit Home Depot Garden Center and got the things that did well last year, though I got something called Patio Tomatoes which they claim are better suited for container gardening (last year's were regular tall growers and kept falling over because everyone was sold out of tomato trellis things). Tomatoes, green peppers, basil, (the rosemary and marjoram are still going strong from last year... in fact, I should give the rosemary its own pot). But I couldn't just leave it at that, I have to continue the experimentation! I got seeds for green onions, because we've started eating a lot of those, and for green beans "bush beans", that apparently don't climb so hopefully they'll do okay in a really big pot. We'll see! All of the plants say "full sun: min 6 hours daily", and if there's anything the south's got enough of, it's sunshine. I really do want to spring for the container soaker hose I saw in a magazine once, but I couldn't find it back when I had the money for it, and now I don't. Stick one of those on a timer and we'll have the heat licked. I'll have to budget it in if I can find it again.
I got the seeds planted in peat pots, and planted the basil, and got the dirt set up for the pepper and tomato, at which point the mosquitoes were having an all church pot-luck on my legs so I gave it up. Tomorrow those two get into the dirt.
Oh, and Home Depot has a 1 year guarantee on the plants so if the Japanese beetles get any - or I kill them by treating the beetles, like last year - I can get a new one for free!
I will definitely keep you updated.
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